Uma Ulafi 2024 in Milan: A Celebration of Inclusive and Sustainable Gastronomy

Ô2Continents recently took part in the Uma Ulafi 2024 event in Milan, a not-to-be-missed event for food and sustainability enthusiasts. Our team, made up of founder Sandrine Lingom, Chef Ahamada Binali and executive chef Victoire Gouloubi, had the opportunity to share and celebrate inclusive and sustainable gastronomy with influential figures from the sector.

At this event, our chef Victoire Gouloubi shone with her talent and commitment. With over 25 years’ experience, she is a true ambassador of contemporary Afro-creative cuisine. His culinary demonstrations captivated the audience, highlighting the importance of sharing and creativity in the kitchen.

One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the Maisha award to Ruramiso Mashumba, founder of Mnandi Africa, for her outstanding work in promoting sustainable agriculture in Zimbabwe. The award, dedicated to the memory of Diego Sarchiapone, recognises initiatives that have a positive impact on society and the environment.

Go behind the scenes of this exceptional event with our exclusive videos and photos, including inspiring interviews and testimonials. Immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of Milan and follow our gastronomic adventure.